涙がでる5つ:Books、Movies、Onions、When I am angry with my boss、When I don’t understand my sons’ thoughts でした。
How are your Chinese lessons going? = What do you think about your Chinese classes?
My Chinese classes are very difficult because I have never studied Chinese before. First, the pronunciation is very difficult for me. The rhythm is difficult too. This year I will take Chinese lessons twice a month. The lessons are about 50 minutes and are one on one with my teacher.
New Year’s resolutions
- Resolve
- Hopes, dreams, desires, wishes
Many people make resolutions about keeping healthy.
他の言い換えとして...staying fit.....keeping in shape.
People also make resolutions about keeping good relationships with family. Another popular New Year’s resolution is about happiness.
Micro resolutions = Small resolutions = 願いが叶うことが可能な範囲のものを言うらしい。
Topic-Time (スカイプでネイティブ講師英会話教室) 最近講師がすこし増えました。といっても他のスクールからすれば少ないんですが。コンパクトさがオススメです。