1 スマホ問題
I disagree.I think smart phones are good for children.I have two reasons. First,it can be dangerous for children so it's good for children to contact their family when they need help. Second,smart phones are very convenient and they are good for studying other languages. If students want to learn about other cultures,study English and talk to their friends they can. I love using my smartphone ,because I can also learn about new cultures and contact my friends. Therefore I think that smartphones are very useful for children.
2 地球温暖化
I disagree.I believe that global warming is a very serious problem.I have two reasons. First,Global warming causes forest fires and we have to stop cutting down trees too.Second global warming causes a big change in the weather, so we have violent storms and very hot weather that can make people ill from heatstroke. Also The sea level is rising because the polar ice bergs are melting.If we don't stop global warming it will be very dangerous for us!
・・・すごい簡単にアイディアをいうとぱぱっと書けるってすごいね! ポイントはifとか使って自分の意見をいうということらしい。
わたしの紹介コード: megumi21 / 無料体験できます - Cambly
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