イソップ物語 Aesop's Fables (ラダーシリーズ Level 1)
- 作者: イソップ
- 出版社/メーカー: IBCパブリッシング
- 発売日: 2005/07/01
- メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
- クリック: 2回
- この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る
Aesop's Fables Box Set 2: The Boy Who Cried Wolf and Other Stories (English Edition)
- 作者: Reading Eggs
- 出版社/メーカー: Blake eLearning
- 発売日: 2018/11/08
- メディア: Kindle版
- この商品を含むブログを見る
今日のWarming up
- Time is money!
- Time after time
- Time flies!
- Time flies when you are having fun.
- Time to hit the road.
- I have time to kill.
- Time to waste
- In the nick of time...
English in a Minute: In the Nick of Time
The Goose & the Golden Eggを説明してみる
Once upon a time a poor farmer who lived in a village bought a goose.
The farmer wanted to get eggs from the goose. He wanted to sell the eggs to get money.
The goose laid golden eggs. The farmer was surprised, but happy!
He wanted to go to the market to sell the golden eggs for money.
The goose laid one golden egg every day, but only one egg a day.
Then the farmer thought, the goose made gold from its body. He thought there was a lot of gold inside the goose. He didn’t want to wait for only one egg a day.
Finally he decided to kill the goose.
When the goose died, the farmer didn’t find any gold inside the goose’s body.
The moral of the story is if you are too greedy, you will lose in the end.
Greedy people lose.
Good use of transition words.
Topic-Time (スカイプでネイティブ講師英会話教室) :講師がすこし増えていました。といっても他のスクールからすれば少ないんですが。コンパクトさがオススメです。レッスン料はドル払いなので、為替レートをきにする生活ができます!