ということで、今回は前回学習したBreaking Newsの同義語を学習する予定でしたが、私の近況を英文にしたので(Google翻訳さんの力を借りつつ・笑)、それを添削してもらいました。
今週は、暑くなってきて、それは暑くて湿度がある夏の日のようだった。(←なんか怪しい日本語になっているぞ) もう直ぐ梅雨になる。噂だとCOVID-19は高温多湿に弱いらしい。毎年梅雨は嫌いだけど、その説が正しのかどうかが楽しみだ。」という内容だったような気がする。 <- 既に怪しいことは重々承知している。
' I decided to work on the university issues I was left to do. However, even if the subject was interesting, watching many videos spoken by the professor, made me feel sleepy in the afternoon. Then, I realized the difficulty of learning by myself.
This week, it was getting hotter, and there were days like summer, but it seems to become hot and humid. This area will be the rainy season soon. I heard a rumor that COVID-19 is weak in high temperature and high humidity. I hate this season every year, but I'm looking forward to seeing if this story is true this year. '
I decided to work on the university classes that I had left to do. However, even if the subjects were interesting, watching many video lectures by the professors, made me feel sleepy in the afternoons. Then, I realized the difficulty of learning by myself.
This week it is getting hotter, and there were days that felt like summer, but it seems to have become hot and humid. In this area, it will be the rainy season soon. I heard a rumor that COVID-19 is weak in high temperatures and high humidity. I hate this season every year, but I'm looking forward to seeing if this rumor holds true.
I know you will accomplish great things!
I sent another version of your writing. I changed “watching many videos spoken by the professor” to —watching many video lectures by the professors—
Topic-Time (スカイプでネイティブ講師英会話教室) :講師がすこし増えていました。といっても他のスクールからすれば少ないんですが。コンパクトさがオススメです。レッスン料はドル払いなので、為替レートをきにする生活ができます!